University of Liège/Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
The Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Faculty is internationally recognized for the quality of its teaching and research. It offers four bioengineering master's programs to students, allowing them to specialize in key areas of life sciences: environmental science and technology, forest and natural area management, agronomic sciences, chemistry, and bioindustries. These specializations prepare students to manage technological transition, manage natural resources (water, soil, air...), and understanding, designing, and implementing animal and plant production systems.
Inside Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, the C-RAU (Center for Urban Agriculture Research) is building expertise in urban agriculture and the revitalization of urban and peri-urban areas. Since its establishment in 2011, the C-RAU has conducted a large quantity of research on topics as varied and important in urban agriculture. The implementation of the WASABI platform (Wallonian Platform for Innovative Systems in Urban Agriculture and Biodiversity) has facilitated advancements and diversified research opportunities, such as rooftop greenhouse, aquaponics, bioponics, valorization of organic waste, raised beds, soilless cultivation systems, SPIN farming etc.